Mechanical Disaster

What started as minor preventative maintenance turned out to be a stressful and expensive month. Knowing the transmission had a small leak I searched for a mechanic that could swap the seal out a bit cheaper than a pro transmission shop could. I found Saul on Craigslist. He talked a good game and led me to believe that he could work on the transmission for a very good price… (more…)

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Finally… The Bed!!!

Or at least the bed platform. Unfortunately we’ve had to sleep on the floor several times which is a pain with all of our climbing and camping stuff, but the bed really couldn’t go in till now. I sort of had to make sure the other things fit and provided other essentials (propane, electric, kitchen, etc) before I even knew how much room would be left for the bed, what height would make sense in case we want to throw the futon we bought in there (which we surely will be trying soon), and a bunch of other small considerations. (more…)

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