Swiveling Captain’s Chairs

Well, to begin with the van only came with one seat, and not even a comfy or safe one at that. I figured it would be nice to be able to rotate them around when parked to sort of expand the living area a bit. A quick search on the web showed many sites selling various combinations of swiveling bases and chairs, but they were all very expensive – hundreds of dollars per piece it seemed. I set about trying to find used ones and located an RV junkyard in a small city outside Denver. They weren’t a matching set, but as we’ll likely be making or buying newer seat covers for them, I don’t really see that it matters all that much. especially with each swivel base chair combo only running $75! (more…)

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Skeletal Analysis and Repair Phase

First the inside. I used a wire brush attachment on the grinder to knock all of the surface rust of the roof frame and floor. I then used Rustoleum Rust Reformer and sprayed all the effected areas with it. I had a friend with a welder put a plate over the rusted hole by the brake pedal. Next the wife and I patched every single rust hole, bolt hole, etc in the floor with a fiberglass/resin kit. Once it set I used a liquid rubber spray also from Rustoleum to coat and leak proof all the fiberglass patches.


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Step 1: Acquire a Van

I began by searching the internet, specifically craigslist, for several months to get a feel for what is out there. Because we’re driving it one way and selling it, it doesn’t need to be particularly nice or last a lifetime. Our main concern is that it gets us there comfortably and doesn’t cost a fortune. It needs to be large enough that two people can live in relative comfort within it for a lengthy time – we’re estimating a year. (more…)

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