Meet Sarah, my sister, who has been blazing around the globe since she was 18. Following her adventures is very inspiring and she just recently set out for her biggest one to date. Check out the trailer below!
Her blog is up and running and full of interesting articles, travel advice, and of course, a blog detailing her adventure as she retraces Richard Halliburton’s steps across the world. 14 months and 29 countries, it’s sure to be an epic adventure!
I have included a sidebar on the Craggin’ Wagon Blog that shows and links-to her most recent posts. Check it out or follow her directly from her site or like her on Facebook:
¡Buen viaje Sarah!
Hey man: when are you going tomorrow
Cheers Jan
Leaving in an hour or two. Email me or swing by if you want to jump in!
Correction. Your sister started traveling the world at age 15 starting with London.
Yes, it is your fault isn’t it! I meant without a parental figure in tow